Incentives and Investment Projects

We provide support as a strategic partner to access all types of incentives available to any type of organizations, Companies, Associations, Institutions including the preparation and necessary formalization of the application.

Investment Projects

Want to start a project? The purpose of an investment project is to analyze the business, allowing the new entrepreneur to compare investment alternatives and / or analyze the risks and benefits of the investment.

Applications for investment incentive systems

In this area, we want to inform you and advise you on the support and incentives available at national and / or community level that your company can benefit from within its activity. These incentives are not only of a financial nature, but may also be informative in nature, particularly with regard to business opportunities.

Service Components:

  • Diagnosis
    • In-person meeting with the promoter;
    • Survey of project needs related to investments;
    • Request of documents and information concerning the company and the promoters;
    • Study / Framework of the company and its investment in the various existing supports;
    • Informing the promoters about the conditions to which the project and the company are subject of form.
  • Preparation, design and submission of the Application
    • Business Plan, Feasibility Study that support the activities of the company that are part of the project
  • Follow-up
    • Technical and Financial Management of Project Execution
      • Monitoring the financial execution of the project;
      • Elaboration of the various requests for reimbursement of expenses incurred and paid during the execution of the project;
      • Closing of the project with the preparation of the final balance request.
    • Technical Reports on the Execution of the Payment Request Project

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