We look at this area not only as projects leading to the delivery of reports and compliance with tax obligations, but as a process of management support. We do this through continuous advice throughout the year, seeking to ensure the reliability of the internal control environment and accounting systems in order to ensure proper management of business risks.
We actively seek to develop the quality and scope of our accounting and tax services to add value to the reports and information we provide to our customers.
Service Components:
- Organization and launch of accounting documents;
- Reconciliation of current accounts of Banks;
- Reconciliation of current accounts of Customers;
- Conciliation of accounts of Suppliers and Other Third Parties;
- Filing and delivery of tax returns and contributions;
- VAT clearance and submission of the respective Periodic Declaration;
- Calculation, filing and delivery of accessory tax returns;
- Closing of the year, preparation of the Financial Report;
- Calculation, completion and delivery of annual tax returns (Model 22 and IES);
- Calculation and delivery of payments on account and special payments on account of IRC;
- Asset management, creation of individualized records for good;
- Control and submission of IUC vehicle payment guides;
- Control of Tax Dividends and Tax Offenses;
- Fiscal Dossier Organization.